Blue-Mark Learning

Create Compelling Documentation

Learn how to structure compelling decks to optimize your message and retain your audience. With compelling documentation, you can drive forward momentum on business deals and decision making.


Improve your materials and presentations

Clear documentation keeps your organization running smoothly at the most fundamental level: during meetings. See the effect good documentation can have on quality meetings.

Book Training
Organizing Content
Targeting Messages
Building Credibility

Course Takeways

Structured Decks

Align your deck with a purpose and qualify the goals of each slide.

Position Slides for Effectiveness

Reinforce key messages in a targeted way.

Framed Messages

Keep your message objective and clear-cut. Persuasive decks don’t lose audiences because they’re interesting and easy to follow.

Branded Decks

The quality of your presentations will speak for you—make sure they have something good to say.

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